Huge Discounts for Firms, AIA Chapters, or Universities of any size
You want to mentor your staff and emerging professionals. You want to help them get licensed. But you also want to help make them better architects.
We’ve built a suite of the best study packages for the Architect Registration Exam administered by the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB). Our award-winning study packages can be available to all of your staff (at less cost and better results than Black Spectacles!)
We are proud to partner with architectural firms to offer amazing discounts on subscription packages for our incredible study materials. We cater our firm subscriptions to any size organization with discounts of up to 50% off our individual subscription prices.
Benefits to your firm:
- Get your staff licensed faster! Our pass rates are higher than the national average and 95% of our coaching students see an improvement in their scores. Our complete and comprehensive study packages are all digital and work across any platform. No more fighting over dog-eared old books!
- Staff learn at their own pace! Since our products are digital, they can study anywhere. Staff can listen on their commute to work, or read on their phones while waiting at the permit office. We even provide study plans!
- Improve and accelerate your projects! Since our study packages are authored by real practicing architects, we focus on the practical issues of practice. Studying makes them better architects.
Plus, it helps you to:
- Mentor and retain your staff! By supporting their path to licensure, you’re investing in their professional growth and improving staff morale and retention.
- Track their progress! Make sure your investment in them is being put to good use. Track their progress with reports on their activities in the courses.
And added benefits for chapters and schools:
- Perfect for AIA Chapters! We offer nonprofit pricing that can generate revenue for the chapter and we’ll even throw in a free coaching webinar for your members.
- Works for IPAL Schools too! Universities participating in the Integrated Path to Architectural Licensure (IPAL) program can participate too and prep your students for all six exams.

to all 6 exam divisions for a full year.
for a 12-month contract; includes Platinum coaching.
firm-wide subscription allows all of your team to log in.
We offer all firms our exclusive Firm Multi-Seat Pricing subscriptions which allow you to support your employees and save up to 50% off. Discounts start with as few as 2 people.
Get instant access for your staff for all six exam divisions. Our NCARB-approved study packages are available in an “all-you-can-eat” buffet of all 6 divisions and include:
- Study Guides for all 6 ARE 5.0 Divisions – 1000+ pages
- Audio Companion to Study Guide for all 6 ARE 5.0 Divisions – 80+ hours
- Audio Commentary discussing NCARB topics for all 6 ARE 5.0 Divisions – 15+ hours
- Online Exam Simulator for all 6 ARE 5.0 Divisions – 2400+ questions
- Case Study Guides for all 6 ARE 5.0 Divisions – 18+ case studies
- Flashcards for all 6 ARE 5.0 Divisions – 1400+ cards
- Group Coaching is available every month (included in Platinum optional add-on)
We’re with you every step of the way. Staff can study for any division, at any time. Our materials focus on getting them into the right mindset to pass, rather than drilling and memorization. That’s why half of the top 50 firms in the U.S. have chosen Architect Exam Prep.
NEED A CUSTOM SOLUTION? Contact us and we’ll tailor a custom discount package for your needs.