ARE® Overall
Pass Rate
Practice Management (PcM)
Pass Rate
Project Management (PjM)
Pass Rate
Programming & Analysis (PA)
Pass Rate
Construction & Evaluation (CE)
Pass Rate
Project Planning & Design (PPD)
Pass Rate
Project Development & Documentation (PDD)
Pass Rate
Why are they so much higher?
Simply put, it’s our approach to teaching. Rather than forcing you to drill and memorize a bunch of boring videos, we teach you how to get into the right mindset to think like an Architect. Our mindset approach teaches you to improve your judgement so you can properly interpret the questions and pick up the clues.
People in our Platinum Coaching program report even higher pass rates, and show a 95% improvement rate (based on their scores prior to starting coaching)!
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NCARB Approved
We were one of the first NCARB approved test prep providers for the ARE 5.0.

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Our rates are based on self-reported pass/fail metrics from our candidates who used Architect Exam Prep’s study materials to prepare for their ARE.
Other test prep provider info is based on publicly disclosed data.
National average pass rates are based on most recent data reported by NCARB on an annual basis.