Re-downloading Files Policy
When you originally purchased from Architect Exam Prep, you were sent a link to download the files within 24 hours. And we even sent links later down the road when candidates lost files. But we have never been a file storage business nor was that part of the agreement when you purchased our products.
The amount of requests to redownload materials in 2022 has been overwhelming. We are not a file storage company.
We have already delivered the products as agreed, sometimes multiple times. We can no longer absorb the costs of time spent managing customer support requests for re-downloads. Effective immediately we are implementing the following download policy;
- $49 for each division requested. If you purchased an ALL 6 package, it would be a one time $49.
- Complete purchase with the following link (again if you need more than one Division, please adjust the quantity)
- Purchase Re-Downloads by clicking here