The 5 Key Mindsets of Successful ARE Candidates
Dodging the Mistakes that Everyone Makes with the AREs
07 – Top 5 Time Management Techniques to Pass the ARE
Every candidate struggles with time on their ARE exams. Some spend too much time on the case studies, others obsess over the harder questions, and everyone misses not having a clear time management strategy. If you run out of time, your score report is useless as it only reflects the questions you answered.
In this webinar, you’ll get a crash course on how to develop a clear time management strategy for all 6 divisions of the ARE and get valuable tips on how to work your way through the exam with confidence.
You’ll learn:
* What a winning time management strategy looks like
* The truth behind how much time to spend on each question
* The top mistakes most candidates make in terms of their timing
06 – Top 5 Things You Need to do NOW to Pass the ARE this Year
After years of coaching thousands of candidates to pass their ARE, we’ve developed a unique insight into what really causes them to fail. HINT: it’s not the exam topics.
Oftentimes, our own fears, self-doubt, and obsession to pass can work against us. Our tendency to overthink, our ability to worry about things we can’t control, and our misunderstand of the exam can cripple your ability to pass. In short, you’re worrying about the wrong things.
In this webinar, hear from the founders of Architect Exam Prep, David and Eric, who will share the secrets learned from coaching thousands of young architects studying for their exams.
* Discover the ways we tend to be our own worst enemy
* Get clarity on tweaks to your mindset that will change your approach to the exams
* Learn how to control your anxiety (by understanding the source)
05 – Top 5 Things You Need to Know About the New ARE Exam Format
In December 2020, NCARB updated the format of the Architect Registration Exams (ARE) with major changes to the timing and structure of the exam. This caused candidates to panic and worry (candidates do not like change!).
In this free webinar, we’ll explore these changes in detail and give you tips how to embrace the new format in order to reduce your anxiety and improve your score.
In this webinar, hear from the founders of Architect Exam Prep, David and Eric, who will share the secrets learned from coaching thousands of young architects studying for their exams.
* Understand how to deal with the new changes in the digital whiteboard and break tools
* Uncover new methods to manage your time and comfortably finish the exam
* Discover how to read the questions to uncover clues and quickly find the answer
04 – Everything you need to know about the Case Studies in the ARE
Perhaps the most intimidating parts of the Architect Registration Exams (ARE) for candidates are the Case Studies. These questions ask you to interpret your answers based on a set of drawings and documents. It’s the number one reason candidates blame for why they failed, and it’s their top source of anxiety in taking the tests.
In this free webinar, we’ll explore the Case Studies, how they work, and give you practical tips you need in order to reduce your anxiety and improve your score.
In this webinar, hear from the founders of Architect Exam Prep, David and Eric, who will share the secrets learned from coaching thousands of young architects studying for their exams.
* Discover valuable time-saving techniques to speed your time through the Case Studies
* Uncover ways to overcome your fear of the Case Studies
* Understand how the Case Studies fit into the overall exam